
Why Study Mathematical Sciences, Applied Math at Montana Tech?

Prepare for in-demand, high-paying careers in business, 行业, or government with the applied mathematics 学位 at Montana Tech. 你会从教师谁是专门的教师以及活跃的研究人员学习. 他们也很平易近人,而且会不遗余力地确保你获得知识, 技能, experience for applied mathematics jobs.

你的教授会尽早和你见面,经常帮助你巩固你在应用数学领域的兴趣,并为你提供动手学习的机会, such as research and internships. 这集中, 个性化的关注将确保你毕业的经验登陆和成功的应用数学工作在未来.

Gain hands-on experience in applied mathematics

从参与由教师主导的应用数学研究项目,到在政府机构和软件公司等地实习, 在你毕业之前,你将有大量的实践机会来获得经验,并知道哪些应用数学工作适合你. 您还将有机会在蒙大拿科技博览会以及国内和国际会议上展示您令人印象深刻的研究, 比如在斯波坎举行的太平洋内陆数学本科生会议(PiMUC), 华盛顿.

Focus on your applied mathematics career from Day 1

从帮助你确定你对应用数学感兴趣的领域到与职业服务中心密切合作,这样你就不会错过实习和其他实际的学习经历, we always have your future career front of mind at Montana Tech. 我们将帮助您关注您的兴趣,使您在应用数学工作中具有很高的市场价值,并为您的职业生涯做好准备.

Cross-Disciplinary Opportunities

蒙大拿州理工学院的数学系联系紧密,因此您将有机会与其他部门的学生和教师合作,并在校园的各种设施中工作. 例如,数学系的学生可能会分析生物系学生收集的数据.

罗兹 & Goldwater Scholarships

蒙大拿州理工学院数学专业的学生一直被提名为著名的罗德和戈德华特奖学金. These scholarships are the preeminent awards for undergraduate students.


菲律宾十大彩票平台学院在孤峰的位置为您提供 众多的娱乐机会, such as hiking and fishing, while earning your bachelor’s 学位 in mathematics. 孤峰 is centrally located in Montana, giving you access to internships in Bozeman, 海伦娜, 和米苏拉.

Strong Career Outcomes


Hands-On Learning Environment
Tradition of Goldwater Nominations
满足博士. 希拉里·里瑟尔
Dr. 希拉里·里瑟尔 is the Head of the Mathematics Department at Montana Tech. 看到了吗?. 里瑟对她的学生和更大的巴特社区的生活产生了影响.
21% Job Growth by 2024
Engaged 教师 with Experience & 专业知识
$96,280 median annual salary

For mathematicians and statisticians, 2021

What is Applied Mathematics?

应用数学是解决从科学到工程等学科问题的数学领域, 行业 to technology, to society at large. 应用数学家运用数学知识和技能解决现实世界的问题,并取得实际成果. Applied mathematics is ideal for you if you have an aptitude for math, like to solve puzzles, have an insatiable curiosity, thrive in a collaborative environment.

What Kinds of Jobs do Graduates of Applied Mathematics Get?

蒙大拿州理工大学数学系为学生准备需求大的高薪职业. Mathematics is not only one of the most in-demand areas in education, 但是,数学科学学位也为学生提供了各种令人信服的职业选择, 包括联邦政府和私人科学和工程研究公司. Graduates may find themselves working on medical research teams, 或者是工程师, 研究公司, 科学家们, other professionals. They often make some of the best salaries in the nation.

Explore Classes for Applied Mathematics Majors

早在第一年的秋季学期,你就会学习数学课程,从微积分开始. 课程重点包括编程、计算思维和数学建模. You’ll also have many elective courses to choose from. 许多应用数学专业的学生通过选择双学位来强化他们的数学学位,并扩大他们的职业选择 工程化学生物学数据科学.

Learn More About Mathematical Sciences at Montana Tech

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, 更多的.


要转到 ,你必须是高中毕业生,并且已经获得了12个以上的大学学分.


Get semester-by-semester information about our mathematical 科学 学位.

Man and woman pointing at graphs on a smartboard

为工业、商业、技术和政府部门的数据科学工作做好准备 & 更多的.

Elementary school students sitting in a classroom


Written math equations on a piece of paper
Mathematical Sciences



We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Department Head, Professor